PIZZAKeto Pizza Crust made from Pork RindsI’ve made this crust a couple of times and it’s very, very good! I added 1-2 teaspoons of nutritional yeast to give it a bread-like flavor.
SALADSMediterranean Broccoli SaladA Mediterranean take on my favorite broccoli salad. BOTH salads are so good but this one is a little higher in carbs so watch portion size.
APPETIZERSGarlic Roasted Artichokes with Pesto Dipping Sauce Have you ever cooked whole artichokes? They are beyond good! Make sure you don’t eat the choke, but you pick the leaves off and scrape them
CASSEROLESCheesy Cauliflower CasseroleA cheddar cheese casserole recipe. You'll need to modify it to make it low-carb. I use heavy cream instead of milk.
CHAFFLESButter Chicken ChaffleI made this recipe a bit differently: I put more of the Tikka Masala in between the two chaffles and then cut them in half to dip In sauce.