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Dr. Volek and Dr. Phinney - Translating the Basic Science of Nutritional Ketosis & Keto-Adaptation

I love this presentation! SO MUCH information here on the Virta perspective here, especially for us Newbies

The ultimate protein episode Nutrition scientist Don Layman, Ph.D.

Why is protein our most important macronutrient? Why should we be concerned about maintaining/building muscle?

Keto Simplified featuring Dr. Eric Westman and Amy Berger

I am skeptical of what I see on many keto websites. Many are concerned only with weight loss, which is okay in itself, but this site is also concerned with glucose levels.

They have a video dated December 14th, 2020 that is an interview with Dr. Eric Westman a researcher at Duke University, and author Amy Berger. Dr. Westman has been researching the low-carb diet for over 20 years. This interview has a lot of good advice for not only new users but also for those who have been on the Virta diet for some time. At about 8:50 and for the next 4-6 minutes he discusses the Virta research program and its latest findings.

The 16 Biggest Keto Mistakes DON'T MAKE THEM!

Find out which are the biggest mistakes on a ketogenic diet—most people make mistake number thirteen!

Ultimate Guide to Low Carb Sweeteners | Blood Testing | Be Sure to Avoid These 3!!

I came across a keto website where two people are making comparisons of the various sweeteners. The method was similar to what my coach suggested when testing the impact of various foods. They took glucose and ketone readings and then consumed a quantity of a sweetener followed by retesting 30 minutes later. It is a very interesting presentation.

7 Things Your Face Tells You About Your Blood Sugars

I just watched interesting YouTube video things about your face by Dr. Eric Berg DC.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Dr. Stephen Phinney - 'The Realities of Sustained Nutritional Ketosis'

Dr. Stephen Phinney - 'The Realities of Sustained Nutritional Ketosis'

The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life

This video was posted in the Community, several years ago by Donna, and from the moment I watched it, it just resonated with me with what we all can go through in dealing with the level of commitment we need to have to do Virta and improve our health. This video taught me so much about being in the proper mental mindset to be successful. I won’t say exactly what he says because I hope you will watch this short 15-minute video, but it helped me to realize that it is MUCH easier and much less torturous to be 100% committed than anything less.

I hope this video helps you as much as it has continued to help me!

This Food is WORSE than Sugar on a Keto (Low Carb) Diet

Great video on seed oils & inflammation.

This is Why You Look the Same (Even If You've Lost Weight!)

These ladies share some excellent advice to help you not get discouraged.

Improving longevity with diabetes

Various stats that may interest some of us:
Besides noting his bias ( it is important to note that besides being a cardiologist, he is also board certified in lipidology:

My Aldi Shopping Trip

I made this video almost three years ago, just as a hopefully helpful trip to Aldi for newbies and anyone else to see that Keto groceries can be bought economically. I think my entire cart was about $80. I can’t guarantee those prices today though! But little did I know that just a few days after this video was made our entire country would be shut down for COVID-19! What an experience that has been and there were no more trips to the grocery store for a very long time!

But this video was shot by my son and me just having some fun one Saturday afternoon before the whole world changed forever! (I make a couple of bloopers and I didn’t realize I was slam-dunking the food so hard in the grocery cart! Ha! It was a one-take deal!) I hope it can help in choosing what to buy starting out on Virta!

Disclaimer: Virtaworks is not affiliated with Virta Health, but is just my personal journey on the program and doesn’t constitute medical advice for anyone else. I just want to show what my living a ketogenic lifestyle has done to improve my health and save my life! Some posts may contain affiliate links to help defray the costs of recipe and product testing. I hope Virtaworks can help you with your health journey!

virtaworks for recipe ideas, meal planning
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