Book Review of "Mostly What God Does: Reflections on Seeking and Finding His Love Everywhere" by Savanah Guthrie
Shared by DeniseM
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Virtaworks is not just a Keto blog, but it’s a complete health and wellness blog that includes physical, mental, and spiritual wellness! This is why I wanted to talk about this new book, Mostly What God Does: Reflections on Seeking and Finding His Love Everywhere by Savanah Guthrie.
Savanah shared in an interview on MSNBC some of the things that compelled her to write this book. It immediately made me want to buy this book because the simplicity of faith she was talking about is such a beautiful thing. Truly knowing how very much God loves us is pivotal to worshipping and believing in God and the grace and love He has for us. This is a pretty simple thing to believe, but for some reason, we have a hard time doing it.
I loved listening to this book on Audible because it was read by Savanah herself in such a deeply personal and meaningful way. I loved how she had a 30-second moment of reflection where she was silent, and that really helped reinforce what was just said. She talks extensively about the role her faith played throughout her entire life, through all of life’s struggles, but also through her life’s joys. She helped me to understand that God loves me unconditionally and that He has a divine plan for me as a father would have a plan for his child.
Sananah says that even if we want to believe, we are human and can have doubts. She thinks faith and doubt are not opposites, but go hand in hand. Doubt is a way of exercising our faith and to ask questions is OK. It’s only when we have apathy or indifference, then that’s when the polar opposites to faith come into play. She says that even through mistakes, adversity and despair our relationship with God transcends all of that.
I remember a very wise Bible Study teacher of mine (Lynn-Etta that’s you!) and I remember asking her once about heaven and whether we will have our doubts and questions answered when we get there. There is SO much in life that we don’t understand. Lynn-Etta said to me, “If you still want to know those things, they will be answered in heaven.” This brought me such comfort knowing that my questions would be answered, but also comfort in the fact that I could very well be free of all my burdens by then so that I wouldn’t even want to know any more. This is how much God loves us!
Savanah talks in her book about how God’s love is like how we love our children. That true, deep down, unconditional love a parent has for a child. I would say also there is no deeper love on the face of the earth than the love God has for us! God tells us this through His word in the scriptures. He refers to himself over and over and over as He is our Father and we are His children. When hearing her explain all the facets of God’s love for us it made me feel very connected and it was very much a renewal of my faith. And through His love, scripture also says He takes great delight in us! This thought made me ask God directly, “Father, do you really take great delight in me?” It just made me think God truly does love me for me and it helps me to be more cognizant of things I would think God would very much delight in! I think to let this in and to fully embrace it is life-changing! It can make you approach so many things very differently.
Savanah just urges us to take in this love from God that is so profound and so personal and so meaningful to us individually, that we wouldn’t be able to contain it but would want to spread it around and this could indeed change relationships and the world.
Faith, to me, is believing in something so much, but you can’t see it, it’s a belief deep within your heart. In talking about her faith Savanah said, “Faith is a leap, but I would rather live my life hopeful and be wrong, than live it hopeless and be right.”
I hope you will find this book as meaningful and as reassuring as I did! As Savannah said, “God is like a radio station that is always on, and it’s up to you whether you tune in or not.”
Wishing you good health, happiness, and the blessings of God’s love for you,
I mentioned how much I love Audible. It’s been life-changing. I use Audible almost every day and I “read” so much more this way by listening because I can be doing two things at once. Just yesterday, it was such a beautiful day, I went outside and enjoyed the birds and sunshine and listened to the last few chapters of Savannah’s book. You can listen while driving and I love to have a book being read to me while cooking. Audible has the world’s largest audiobook collection, including children’s books. What a great way to instill a love of books. I remember taking my young son, Christopher, to the library and he would pick out books for us to read together, but the library had all these books on cassette tape and he would pick out so many I thought they are never going to let us take this many home, but they always did. Christopher would walk around the house with his cute kiddie handheld cassette tape player listening to his books. Awww so adorable, so you can do the same thing with Audible now!
Get Savannah’s great book for free with this link to a 30 day free trial on Audible!