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Seed Oil Confession Time!😳

Shared by DeniseM-As an Amazon Associate I share affiliate marketing strategies with awesome people like you, naturally my content may contain affiliate links for products I use and love. If you take action (i.e. subscribe, make a purchase) after clicking one of these links, you won’t pay more, but I'll earn a small commission on qualifying purchases which I will probably use to buy more keto products!

I saw something very shocking on Instagram the other day. I wish I could remember this doctor's name, but it escapes me. (A possible reason will become clear below about how seed oils can cause dementia!😱) But this doctor answers health questions and I just like to listen to him because he always seems to make a lot of sense. I will update this post when I see him again so his explanation can be referred to.

The question was something like, “What’s the worst food you could be eating?” and I’m thinking OK it has to be some kind of evil carby thing! His answer surprised me SO much. He said the worst things we can be eating are SEED OILS and they are worse than sugar! 😲 What?🤷‍♀️ How can that even be? I knew they were bad, but I didn’t know they were that bad! Bad doesn’t even cover it, although there are conflicting studies, but there seems to be a consensus they should be avoided when there are certainly safer more healthy oils available like olive, coconut, and avocado oils. Seed oils can cause very bad inflammation and we all know that’s not good, they can contribute to diabetes, heart conditions, stroke, cancer, toxin deposits, and dementia! 😳

The reason why I’m concerned and why this is confession time is I have refused to give up my favorite mayonnaise by Hellman’s which is made from soybean oil! I feel like I’m a soybean oil addict or I’m coming out of the soybean oil closet! Ha!

Now technically I HAVE tried to stop using Hellman’s, but never found a mayo I liked or it was difficult to find or it cost a fortune, or whatever. I rationalized it like, “Oh I don’t eat that much mayo, how can it be that bad, but I actually kind of do!” so I decided now was the time. I needed mayo the other day and I did not buy my beloved Hellman’s. I know Hellman’s has other mayo’s but they all seem to have the offending oils even if the label says they are a healthy oil mayonnaise.

So I found this one at Kroger, by Chosen Foods, and I like it. It did not pass the “It’s too expensive“ test. Eight dollars for the jar! Good grief! It does have a small amount of sugar, but it’s zero carbs for a tablespoon, so not too bad.

2-16-24 Update-I have FINALLY found a mayo almost as good as my beloved Hellman’s. I wish I could say it has an economical price, but I can’t, but what it does have is avocado oil and that’s a very good healthy oil. As with all things keto, you get what you pay for! This is the price for two.

Here’s where I buy Sir Kensington’s Avocado Oil Mayo on Amazon.

Of course, one way to get the perfect mayonnaise is to make your own and I have done that it’s very good, very simple to make, and you can choose the exact perfect ingredients. Here’s the recipe I used located on virtaworks.

I want to start posting some fresh homemade salad dressings too so we don’t have to worry about those as much either!

So Google all the studies, and decide for yourself if you should take action to rid your pantry and fridge completely of any seed oils!

Wishing you good health and happiness,

Denise ❤️

2-16-24 Update-I recently finished reading the book The Fatburn Fix by Catherine Shanahan M.D., and it is an excellent resource on all the

dangers of seed oils! Book review coming soon.

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Disclaimer: Virtaworks is not affiliated with Virta Health, but is just my personal journey on the program and doesn’t constitute medical advice for anyone else. I just want to show what my living a ketogenic lifestyle has done to improve my health and save my life! Some posts may contain affiliate links to help defray the costs of recipe and product testing. I hope Virtaworks can help you with your health journey!

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