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Keto Creamy Butternut Squash Gnocchi Soup

Shared by DeniseM

I saw this gnocchi soup on Instagram and had to make it the next day! I always use fresh produce when I can, but I took the lazy way out, bought two small bags of frozen butternut squash, and roasted the cubes in the air fryer. It would have been better if the butternut squash had been fresh because I didn’t think it had had enough of a “squash” taste. I added a can of pumpkin purée to the soup, which made it so much better and thickened the soup perfectly! I subbed the carby gnocchi with a keto gnocchi recipe I found, and it is perfect for this soup! Just omit the lemon juice for this soup.

Creamy Butternut Squash Gnocchi

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