Shared by DebraK
This will add good additional fiber and is great used with the homemade yogurt to make a delicious parfait!

1.5 cups Pecans
1.5 cups Walnuts
1.5 cups chopped TJs dry roasted and salted almonds
2 T vanilla extract
4 T Ceylon cinnamon
4 T oil (MCT, coconut, or olive)
12 T freshly ground flaxseed
43 grams of Inulin
Soak the pecans and walnuts overnight. Rinse. (If possible, you can dehydrate them for 12 hours if your oven has a warming or dehydrating function. If not, just proceed....) :
Preheat the oven to 285-300F
Place the rinsed pecans and walnuts in a bowl and mix with the vanilla, Ceylon cinnamon and oil.
Place the mixture in a thin layer on a baking tray and bake for 35-45 minutes. (stir if inclined, | don't)
Remove from the oven and add the chopped almonds and the ground flaxseed.
Refrigerate to keep fresh.
One serving is 20 grams
Calories: 119
Protein: 2.4g
Carb: 4.9g
Fat: 10.65g
Adapted from “The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies” by Dr. Nasha Winters ND FABNO L.Ac Dipl.OM, Jess Higgins Kelley MNT