Shared by PaulL
The fathead dough recipe can be used for pretty much any bread - rolls, breadsticks, pizza, sandwich thins, cinnamon rolls - yes cinnamon rolls!

Fathead Dough -
1-1/2 cups part skim low-moisture shredded mozzarella cheese
2 oz full-fat cream cheese
1-1/3 cups super fine almond flour
2 tbsp coconut flour
1-1/2 tbsp aluminum free double acting baking powder
1 tsp garlic powder (optional, can use other seasoning for preference)
2 large eggs
Melt your cheeses in the microwave for 30-second intervals until completely melted.
Then combine your other ingredients
(I like to sift all my dry ingredients to remove any clumps) and mix thoroughly until you have a dough.
Shape into whatever you’d like.