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I Tried to Fly the Nest! šŸ˜³

Shared by DeniseM

In December of last year, I came to the very difficult decision to leave Virta after five and a half years. For all that time Virta had been such a HUGE part of my life! First thing in the morning I did my testing, reported my biomarkers and talked to my coach. I did this every single day, including the weekends, I have always communicated every day with my coach Or coaches. This might not be the best thing for them, but it helped me very much to stay connected and I depended on communication. This is not the easiest situation to be in, not the hardest, certainly, but definitely not the easiest. Then my coach of three and a half years announced he was leaving Virta. (Iā€˜m thinking he did it just to escape me! Ha! Probably had enough talking to me every day for so long! šŸ˜‚) But I knew the day would come and it finally did and I always had it in my mind when I had to change coaches, yet again I would be done.

I was thinking, SURELY after almost SIX YEARS I could do this on my own! Wouldnā€™t you think? For one thing, I wouldnā€™t recommend leaving two weeks before Christmas when youā€™re very vulnerable. Number two, I was recovering from COVID which so many of us had become sick from by being at my sonā€™s wedding! Talk about wreaking havoc for so many people during the holidays! šŸ˜³ Number three I just felt off-kilter because I was missing my coach even though I had an extremely wonderful new coach! But it was hard to bond because I had it in my head that I had one foot out the door.

I was sensing the smell of freedom! šŸ˜€ Freedom can be a double-edged sword though. I absolutely loved not logging food, I didnā€™t really keep track of what I was eating, but I only eat about one meal a day, so not too much damage there BUT what I found myself doing was not being my best which I continually strived to do on Virta. I was still eating keto, but I wouldnā€™t make myself a proper meal hardly. I would go to the fridge and have some cheese and pepperoni and call it a day! I did find myself nibbling here and there. It IS still Christmas and the holidays and all my vigilant effort, while on Virta, kind of went by the wayside a bit. Not too terribly bad. I didnā€™t gain much weight, which right there is a miracle from God! But I didnā€™t test my blood sugar or ketones once in two months! I was wearing a CGM so I did monitor things, but be danged if I was going to do finger sticks! šŸ˜±

So I was talking to my sweet Virta friend, Sandra, one day and was telling her what was happening and how I was feeling and she said, ā€œYou need to rejoin Virta!ā€ Iā€™m like, ā€œWhat?ā€ The thought hadnā€™t even crossed my mind. I just kept thinking and hoping and praying I would get myself together and do as well as I was doing on Virta again, but the trouble was I wasnā€™t for sure that would happen! What if I just kept backsliding slowly but surely, what would I do? I had two days to do before the Virta price would revert to the full price which I wouldnā€™t be able to afford. So I thought about it and just decided Iā€™d rather be trying to do my best than risk all the progress Iā€™ve made that Iā€™ve worked so hard for!

So here I am guys! Iā€™m thrilled to be back and itā€™s already helped me tremendously. I have a great new coach Iā€™m very grateful for, my same incredible Virta doctor, and my same weekend coach who I think is amazing and so supportive, Iā€™m making proper meals again, testing again, and most of all I canā€™t wait to see everyone in the Community! I missed you all so much! šŸ„°

So I think itā€™s a sure thing now, Iā€™ll be messaging my Virta coach from the nursing home when Iā€™m 90! Ha! šŸ˜‚

Much Love,


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