Shared by DeniseM
I did not hate these! Ha! But I just had to make them after seeing Mayra, from Low Carb Love, make these 1 ingredient chips on her YouTube Channel.

In this video, she simply takes four egg whites, whips them up a bit and pours a teaspoonful into a muffin tin, bakes them in the oven and they magically turn into a very crispy chip that is very low carb, low calorie, high in protein, and very inexpensive!
Store-bought keto/low-carb chips are so expensive! These one-ingredient keto chips were very easy to make! Do they taste good? Well, that is the question. "Kind of" is my answer.😃 They weren’t bad, but let’s just say I wasn’t as enthusiastic as Mayra was about them. I did try adding some Parmesan Ranch Seasoning to them and that helped. They were crispy, so that’s good. I think with some experimenting these could be very doable. You could try any seasonings. I used a Parmesan seasoning with ranch powder in it, but, maybe just some Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, like Mayra did, would have been better!
I would say give these low-calorie keto chips a try and be open to experimenting with them. I think they definitely would be good to use as something to dip in tuna salad or any other dip. I also tried them with a slice of cheese and a pepperoni slice and made a chipwhich which I liked.
Also the Keto Twins👩🏻🍳👩🏻🍳 make a slightly different version using liquid egg whites and they don’t whip their egg whites as much as Mayra did which both those things would make it even easier! They also experimented using a metal muffin tin and silicone molds. So watch this video to see how they make these interesting chips!
Here’s my journey to the finished product! I did the Mayra version so I whipped the egg whites and put them in a metal muffin tin.

Then sprinkle with a little Parmesan Ranch Seasoning

Here’s the seasoning I used from Walmart. I think actual Parmesan will be good to try next time. I think there actually will be a next time too! Ha! I’m not giving up on these yet!

I then experimented with silicone muffin cups in the air fryer just to see the difference. There was a slight difference and the air fryer did great, but you can’t make as many at once unless you have one of those larger air fryer ovens.

The air fryer chips came out very crispy also. You do have to check them in both the air fryer and oven to see when they are exactly done and don’t let them get too brown like the Keto Twins did! Ha! I started checking at the ten-minute mark, then ended up cooking them a couple of minutes longer.
My finished product! It was very interesting to try these chips. I think they could be something that would be fun to try and experiment with!
