Shared by DeniseM
I saw these meatballs on the Oprah show 10-15 years ago and had to make them! Oprah ate them every day one summer she loved them so much! I don’t say this lightly but these are the best meatballs in the history of all meatballs! BUT to have them now on Virta there is one little problem. They have two ingredients that aren’t keto. Subbing the bread crumbs is easy. I just used pork panko it’s the raisins that are the issue! I wish I could say just leave them out, but I can’t. The raisins are INTEGRAL to these meatballs! No if’s ands or buts about it. SO I did include them, just not quite three ounces That saved a few carbs. Even if three ounces are used that’s only about one carb per meatball with the raisins I don’t want to lead anyone astray, but to use the raisins this one time I think is OK, but it’s certainly a personal decision. The meatballs actually could taste really good without the raisins, I just haven’t tried them that way. I would love to hear in the comments if anyone tries these!
