Shared by DeniseM
First, let me say that more studies are needed, but The Cleveland Clinic recently released their findings of 4000 people who consumed a drink containing Erythritol. They basically found they had a significantly increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Long-term effects are unknown at this point, but this is definitely concerning news.

Erythritol has never really been my sweetener of choice, but it is very popular in keto cooking and keto products. In fact I just made some cupcakes with it a few hours ago! When making the cupcakes, I cut the Erythritol in half; this was before I knew about the study! I am not fond of it because of all its carbs, and I don’t like its cooling effect. I subbed in the other half of the sweetener the recipe called for, with some powdered stevia. I also like Allulose a lot, although it’s not as sweet.
So I’m just going to use another sweetener whenever possible like I currently do, but if you use a lot of Erythritol, it might be a good thing to discuss with your coach. I have always kept keto treats to a minimum anyway, so I’m hoping all will be okay.
Cleveland Clinic article about the study.
Also, an article from CNN.
I am so sorry for the bad news. Also, keep an eye out for it in keto products. I’m thinking if we try to keep it to a minimum amount, that will possibly be OK, but who knows! It’s just in so many things! It reminds me of what happened decades ago with Saccharin.
I’m not sure what amount of Erythritol was in the drink that was being consumed for the study. I know a certain percentage was found in the participants' bloodstreams. It could have been a large amount they were given! A lot of unanswered questions, that’s for sure. 😳