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Sarah’s Best Keto Cheesecake

Writer's picture: Community MemberCommunity Member

Shared by SarahG

A delicious creamy cheesecake with a cinnamon almond flour crust! This is the best cheesecake ever. The almond flour crust with a hint of cinnamon (don’t overdo it) and vanilla was to die for. I made this for a work holiday party and had no leftovers. The crust, I thought, and my hubby agreed, is better than graham crackers.

cheesecake pie with strawberry topping
Recipe by: Low Carb with Jennifer


Disclaimer: Virtaworks is not affiliated with Virta Health, but is just my personal journey on the program and doesn’t constitute medical advice for anyone else. I just want to show what my living a ketogenic lifestyle has done to improve my health and save my life! Some posts may contain affiliate links to help defray the costs of recipe and product testing. I hope Virtaworks can help you with your health journey!

virtaworks for recipe ideas, meal planning
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