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Tuna Melt Chaffle

Shared by DenisM

The other day I had some leftover tuna salad and my mini dash sitting there in front of me waiting to make a chaffle. I wondered what tuna salad would be like in one! Maybe a tuna melt chaffle! Gosh was it ever good! So nice and crispy with the tuna salad all baked in the center!

You can make whatever version of tuna salad you like. I put tuna, hard boiled eggs, mayo, onion, dill pickle relish and if the relish is a little tart, I put a tiny bit of stevia. Then just sprinkle any cheese you like on the bottom of your waffle maker. I used Mexican Blend cheese, a couple of tablespoons of tuna salad, and then more cheese on top. Cook for 3-4 minutes or until crispy and that’s it! So yummy!

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