Shared by DeniseM
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Last summer, with all the keto ice cream recipes appearing everywhere, I decided wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a lovely, crispy waffle cone to hold all the keto ice cream deliciousness? I probably had not had an actual ice cream cone in almost seven years! I think I was due for one! An ice cream cone certainly isn’t too much to ask for in life sometimes, wouldn’t you agree?

So I did a little research, and a keto waffle cone was a thing, and I had several recipes to choose from! Hooray! 🎉 But first I had to think of a waffle cone/pizzelle maker. Of course, I went to handy-dandy Amazon and checked out all the different makes and models.😊 Economy was of primary importance because I have SO many kitchen gadgets, I shudder to think how many, but I needed a waffle cone! I couldn’t get one without a maker, well at least it would make it much more manageable.
I decided on this Proctor Silex model because it was economical and came with both cone and bowl accessories! How very nice Proctor Silex, I didn’t even think about bowls! So the decision was made. A whole new world of crispy pizzelles and waffle cones was about to happen.

I found a few recipes I liked, and when my waffle cone maker was delivered, I put it to good use right away. I made the best chocolate-dipped waffle cones and they turned out pretty darn great! Is this a thing of beauty or what? 😄

Next, I made some great, crispy Taquitos. YUM! They were super good. I’m on a roll now! Well, the roll actually stops there!😢 I haven’t made anything else since then, YET! I will though. Life just gets in the way of waffling good intentions sometimes. Here are the Taquitos, but there are so many roll-up type recipes that can be made with this basic recipe!
So I highly recommend this great waffle/pizzelle maker! It’s worked great the two times I’ve used it! Ha! But summer is coming soon and the possibilities are endless! 🍦